Episode 107 | Two Whole Years

Show Notes:

In this episode, the podcast turns 2. We reflect on the past year of The ACL Athlete Podcast, a special message, what we together have accomplished, and a special giveaway.

What is up team? Welcome back to another episode on the ACL Athlete Podcast. It’s episode 107. And today, we are talking all about two years of the podcast. It’s a reflection episode. You guys know if you’ve been listening recently, you’re probably like, man, this guy’s been doing a lot of reflections. Well, it’s important. It’s important to look back and to be able to see where you have come from in order to know where you’re essentially going. And it’s crazy to think we’ve been doing this every single week and every single week we’ve been coming up with a new podcast with content for you guys, questions answered, and just experiences along in this process. 

What hits a little differently with this episode is that it’s the last time in the “studio” where I recorded my first podcast, and it’s just crazy to think that. My wife and I are getting ready to move. This is the last one that I’ll do in the studio, aka our 700-square-foot apartment in this kitchen island where it all started. It’s crazy to think about this idea, the first episode, and all the things that have come to pass with this podcast, and it all started right here. Take a trip down memory lane with me, if you will. 

The first episode was released on February 4, 2021. It took me hundreds of tries to get it right. And I know some of you have already heard the story, but it’s just crazy. I had no idea what I was doing. Heck, I still don’t know for sure sometimes. But I figured no one would really listen to it. And then I got an update at the hundred download mark, and I thought that Abigail was the reason why I got to that point. She was just hitting download repeatedly just to boost my confidence. And then I actually got my first message about the podcast on social media and I was like, wow, actually someone is paying attention to this. And then now I get multiple messages and emails each and every week from all of you saying how much this podcast has helped you. And as all of you know, I save every single one of them. If you’ve sent me one, I have it saved, I’ve read it, and I’ve likely replied to it. But it’s something that means a lot to me. And there are a few that I want to share from this past year that really hit differently. And I just want to share my thanks for that. And I’m going to read a few here: 

“Dr. Ravi, I absolutely love your podcast. I found your podcast a few months ago and it really was refreshing and helpful. There’s a ton of information for ACL out there, and it is really long and dry. Your podcast is refreshing, you’re super knowledgeable, and get to the point of each episode rather than dragging it on.” 

“Hey Ravi, hope you’re doing well. I just want to let you know that I’m recovering really well after the ACL surgery. And to be honest, I’ve been feeling prepared for this mentally and physically because of your podcast. Can’t thank you enough.” 

This next one’s from a young athlete I talked to a year before, and then he messaged me again. And said, “Hello, it’s me again. A year ago today, I tore my ACL. And honestly, it was the battle of a lifetime. But thanks to the podcast and the community that you helped build. Today, I played my seventh game as a starter for our varsity soccer team. Please continue doing what you’re doing. It really helped with my motivation and my journey. Again, thank you.” 

Last one here, and this one really hit me in the fields. “I am 10 weeks post-op ACL with patellar autograft. These past few months have been some of the hardest of my life. And I’ve been through some crappy things in my life. I’ve been back and forth about messaging you because I figure you must be the most popular and busiest ACL PT out there. Side note: Everyone’s busy, but never busy enough to respond to somebody, especially for a heartfelt message like this. Back to the message. But you and your podcast have made too much of an impact on me to not thank you for your hard work.” Before finding your podcast was suffering from severe PTSD from my skiing accident. 

Although I’m a nurse, I actually hate orthopedics and could not even educate myself on an ACLR without being triggered. At five weeks post-op, I was at a complete low when I stumbled on the ACL Athlete Podcast. You have reassured me that everyone has their own journey with this injury and educated me to allow me to be more confident and take charge of my recovery. I finally stopped asking why I started working harder towards my goals. Thank you for validating so much of what I have been experiencing and feeling since the beginning of this insane journey. I have recommended your podcast to other ACL peers, along with some of the close family members to help them understand what I am going through. Although I still have a long way to go, I owe you credit for getting me where I am today. You have made such a difference.” 

I mean that last one really hits you. And why am I sharing these? It’s not to boost my own ego or to pat myself on the back. This is because of what we built, what this community has done, how you guys have shown up, and how you guys have responded and shown your support. And this is the byproduct of it. So thank you again for those who sent those messages, and for all of you who have mentioned one thing or another about the podcast. 

One of the things I want to talk about is what we have accomplished, and yes, I say we because we really wouldn’t be here without your support. I’ll share from last year to this year the stats that we have accomplished. There were 53 episodes as of February 3, 2021. There were 18,000-plus downloads. There were 88 countries that this was downloaded in, and then 1,600 plus different cities, which is crazy.

Now, let’s see where it’s come in year two and what we’ve accomplished. We are now at 107 episodes, including today, 80,000 plus downloads. And here’s what’s really freaking cool, 117 countries, 4,647-plus different cities. That’s pretty dope. And what’s most important with this podcast is the messages that we get. And I know I can’t harp on this enough. But knowing that we’re making a dent in people’s lives and helping them feel empowered and informed in this process, that’s why this podcast exists.

I’m going to leave you guys with this. If you’ve been with us since the beginning of this podcast, or you’ve listened since the early parts, you probably know that there’s been construction going on since we started the podcast. I’ll talk about blowers or builders across the street and watching these townhomes come up. And heck, I’ve used the references of these buildings in the podcast, whether it’s building the foundation or having a plan. Or one of my personal favorites, the “Brick by Brick” episode. Well, guess what? It’s all done. The townhomes are built. They are completed. People moved into these beautiful homes across from us, but it took a while. I watched it go from nothing, literally, nothing there just dirt, to the foundation, to the framing, to the different levels that were built in these townhomes to each and every single brick that was put down. What does that sound like? The ACL rehab process in a nutshell. If you’re listening to this, just know there’s an end. It might take longer than expected, but I promise you there is light at the end of the tunnel. And this is just a reminder to keep taking it brick by brick. Eventually, you’ll have that foundation and you’ll have that wall built. And you’ll look back and be like, wow, that was really, really hard, but it was worth it.

As we wrap up this episode, I just want to seriously, say thank you to all of you. Our goal is to bring you information, perspectives, education, evidence, science, and pure value. That’s been the goal this year, that is the keyword, and the focus value, to help you or the people you know who need this to help navigate this ACL process from one ACL or to another. Our goal is to revolutionize this space of ACL rehab and healthcare so you can get the best care. You can be confident and feel ultimately in control of your own process. Here is to year three, and as a thank you to all of you, we’re going to do a giveaway. And if you want an ACL athlete t-shirt or some different merch, we’ve got some pretty dope engraved water bottles that we will be sending out. Send me a message, or email, if you want to leave us a review and screenshot of how this podcast has helped you in any sort of way. Send it to us via Instagram or email, carrier pigeon, we do not care. We would love to hear from you. And all of this info will be in the show notes. The deadline is next Thursday, February 22. Get those in. We’ll pick one, or two, who knows? Maybe we’ll pick three to send some pretty cool merch to for the ACL Athlete and just for your support and your love as a thank you. 

As I sign off, one last time in our podcast studio where this all started before this move, I just want to say thank you. If you have the time, please leave us a review because that helps us to reach so many other ACLers and people. Sign up for our newsletter, which we are hyped to get rolling out with more and more content for all of you. Check out our website.

And just lastly, thank you all so much for listening to this podcast. Your support means so much to us. This is your host, Ravi Patel, signing off.

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