One-on-One Remote
ACL Rehab + Coaching

Science-driven and evidence-based
programming for ACLers.
Take the guesswork out of your ACL rehab
acl remote coaching

Look. This ACL thing is hard.

Trust us. We’ve been through it. It feels like one moment you’re cruising along and then BAM, you’re drinking out of a firehose trying to figure out what the heck is an ACL, who to see, surgery!?, graft types, rehab, and so much more. It’s a lot.

Is this you?
  • You just tore your ACL and aren’t even sure where to begin
  • You feel lost with no clear direction in your ACL journey
  • You are frustrated with the current care and PT you are getting
  • You hate seeing other people progress while you feel stuck and plateau’d
  • You are tired of googling and scouring IG for exercises and answers
  • You are worried about your future and whether you’re actually going to back to what you love doing

If you said “that’s me”, keep reading.

What you're not looking for:

  • A cookie cutter program or protocol
  • Insurance controlling your care or sessions
  • A generic PT or coach who knows nothing about ACLs or what you’re going through 
  • Some quick fix
  • Being funneled through the process like an object on a conveyor belt
  • Feeling unsupported and isolated
  • Your time being wasted – your time is important

What you are looking for:

  • A clear and structured plan built specifically for you
  • Tangible milestones and criteria to know what direction you’re heading in
  • A custom program to fit your specific ACL needs and goals
  • An ACL expert alongside you – guiding every step of your journey
  • To learn and feel informed in this process – so you can be a better athlete than you were before
  • A community of ACL athletes who are in this together with you
  • Getting back to the things that mean the most to you
Look no further.
We bring you...

The ACL Athlete - One-on-One Remote ACL Rehab + Performance Coaching

A 1:1 service specifically designed for the ACL athlete who is frustrated with the traditional healthcare and physical therapy model and is ready to rehab and recover with intention. Designed and led by our team of Doctors of Physical Therapy and Strength and Conditioning Coaches. We pride ourselves in being experts in ACL injuries, rehab, and return to performance – staying up-to-date on the latest ACL research and information to bring you our absolute best.

We Bridge the ACL Gap

How we do this

The ACL Athlete 4R Roadmap

You should know exactly where you are and where you’re heading. Our process has been tried and tested by hundreds of ACLers just like you. Based on science, principles, research, data and criteria. No B.S. We are the GPS on your ACL Journey.

How we do this

The ACL Athlete 4R Roadmap

You should know exactly where you are and where you’re heading. Our process has been tried and tested by hundreds of ACLers just like you. Based on science, principles, research, data and criteria. No B.S. We are the GPS on your ACL Journey.


This phase is immediately post-ACL injury or surgery. The acute trauma is the main limiter here and is slowing the athlete down. The goal of this phase is to provide a safe healing environment, protect the knee joint, and focus on full restoration and capacity of the knee after an ACL injury or surgery. Aiming to restore and lay the initial foundation for this process.


This phase is focused on rebuilding a solid athletic foundation. We aim to improve the knee's tolerance to load and load foundational movement patterns. In order to run, jump, or cut later in this phase, we need certain prerequisites including a strong base of range of motion, muscle size, strength, and running mechanics. We're also aiming to make sure the knee is quiet as loads build. As we continue through Rebuild, you're progressed and exposed to our return to running framework, plyometrics, deceleration/acceleration, and change of direction. Specific to where your needs are and your goals.


The athlete has worked hard on the restoring and rebuilding phases, and has passed specific criteria to get back to sport-specific phases. The goal of this phase is focused on load and exposure through our 3-part return to performance framework paired with the control to chaos continuum, which often gets missed.


The athlete is back to sport/activity, but the work is not done. The goal of this phase is focused on creating the most resilient and robust athlete. Filling in any gaps and making sure that we optimize performance. Coming back better than they were before their injury - feeling mentally and physically confident.


This phase is immediately post-ACL injury or surgery. The acute trauma is the main limiter here and is slowing the athlete down. The goal of this phase is to provide a safe healing environment, protect the knee joint, and focus on full restoration and capacity of the knee after an ACL injury or surgery. Aiming to restore and lay the initial foundation for this process.


This phase is focused on rebuilding a solid athletic foundation. We aim to improve the knee’s tolerance to load and load foundational movement patterns. In order to run, jump, or cut later in this phase, we need certain prerequisites including a strong base of range of motion, muscle size, strength, and running mechanics. We’re also aiming to make sure the knee is quiet as loads build. As we continue through Rebuild, you’re progressed and exposed to our return to running framework, plyometrics, deceleration/acceleration, and change of direction. Specific to where your needs are and your goals.


The athlete has worked hard on the restoring and rebuilding phases, and has passed specific criteria to get back to sport-specific phases. The goal of this phase is focused on load and exposure through our 3-part return to performance framework paired with the control to chaos continuum, which often gets missed.


The athlete is back to sport/activity, but the work is not done. The goal of this phase is focused on creating the most resilient and robust athlete. Filling in any gaps and making sure that we optimize performance. Coming back better than they were before their injury – feeling mentally and physically confident.

Our 3-Step Process

1. Test
2. Plan
3. Guide
Why it works:

Our programming and coaching is rooted in science, backed by research and driven by data. We take an individualized approach to ACL rehab.

Why? Because each person is different. No two ACL injuries are the same. No two surgeries are the same. No two recoveries are the same.

That’s why a generic protocol won’t cut it. You need something built specific for you based on testing to meet you exactly where you are and where you need to go. We take the guesswork out of this process and support you every step of the way.

Gimme the Details

What Does 1:1 Coaching Bring You?

Access to The ACL Athlete Coaching Platform + App

Your 1:1 ACL Expert Coach

Individually Designed Performance Testing

Custom ACL Rehab + Performance Program

Form Checks + Video Analysis + Feedback

Progression Criteria + Milestone Goals

Accountability + Weekly Check-Ins

Daily Athlete Support + Messenger Access

Inside Our Training App

Exclusive Bonuses

When you sign up for 1:1 Coaching, you gain access to these exclusive athlete bonuses for a limited time.
Bonus 1

Access to The ACL Athlete Community

This road is very isolating and lonely. ACLers need community. That’s why we’ve created a private athlete community so you don’t have to be alone in this process. Interact with your coaches and other fellow ACLers. Share your wins. Share your struggles. It’s a safe place for you – the ACL athlete – on your journey.

Bonus 2

Access to the Athlete Education Vault

One of our core pillars is Education. You deserve to be equipped with answers. We give you our education hub and library to help guide you along in your process no matter where you are on the journey. You’ll learn our go-to principles we teach each of our athletes. We’ll provide our 4R roadmap and benchmarks you need to hit. The goal is for you to join and leave as a better athlete than you were before. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Tools for life.

Bonus 3

LIVE Guest Expert and Q&A Each Month

We bring you guest experts and speakers regarding ACL rehab, nutrition, mindset, recovery, sleep, and much more. Maximize your knowledge of your health and performance, not only for now, but for the rest of your life.

You’ll also get Q&A’s from your coaches every single month.

Bonus 3

Strategy Calls with Your 1:1 Coach

Life will throw you curveballs. Whether that’s getting sick, travel, a setback, or an emergency. We’ll be there to help strategize through any problems you may encounter and pivot your plan to make sure we stay on track and get you closer to your end goals.

Bonus 5

Mindset Training

While most people on the outside see this as a physical injury, the hardest part of this process is the mental side. Having your life completely shift within the blink of an eye – 40 milliseconds to be exact. This journey is long and hard. Our mindset drives every single action we take. This should be a non-negotiable for any ACL rehab, which is why we include this as an exclusive bonus for our athletes.

Meet your Coaches

Ravi Patel
Founder + Physical Therapist + Performance Coach

University of Georgia – Exercise and Sport Science

Georgia State University – Doctor of Physical Therapy


Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

USA Weightlifting Coach

As a 2x ACLer, I know exactly how it feels. That moment your next year completely changes and you have to go through one of the hardest physical and mental challenges of your life. That road wasn’t clear for me. My goal is to make sure it’s crystal clear for you. No guessing. Actually enjoying this process. Empowering you to be your best. We’re in your corner.

Welcome to The ACL Athlete.

Jeremy Kirschner
Physical Therapist + Performance Coach

University of Georgia – Athletic Training + Exercise and Sport Science

Medical University of South Carolina – Doctor of Physical Therapy


Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

USA Weightlifting Coach

There are 2 things that I’ve learned about the ACL recovery journey from working with athletes over the past decade at the youth, collegiate, and professional levels: Complexity doesn’t equate to effectiveness. Complex exercises, rehab drills, and programs look “cool,” but you know what all successful athletes have in common when it comes to ACL recovery and getting back to the things they love? They’ve mastered the basics. A great ACL game plan will & should look a lot like a robust strength & conditioning program. I’m here to help simplify the complex journey that is ACL recovery. You may not believe it now, but I promise you that you can do hard things.

Welcome to The ACL Athlete.

Robb Lamb
Athletic Trainer + Performance Coach

University of Kansas – Athletic Training + Exercise Science

Canisius College – Masters in Sport Administration 


Certified Athletic Trainer

Certified Performance and Sport Scientist

I’ve heard the same thing too often from active individuals going through the ACL rehab process, “I don’t know what I need to do to get back” or “I’m tired of people telling me I’m not ready and I just need to wait longer”. We think it’s extremely important to educate our clients so they can be a part of the decision-making process along the way. Not only do we want to empower each client to know where they’re going during rehab, but also planning for life when you’re back to doing what you love. We’re here as coaches to help educate, empower, and turn your rehab into your own success story by showing you just how adaptive you can be.

Welcome to The ACL Athlete.

Our 3E Philosophy


With so much information at our fingertips, it can be difficult to know what’s right from wrong. Education sets the foundation for our athlete-centered care. Our goal is to make sure you can make informed and empowered decisions. Not feeling lost or being led blindly. Education puts you in control of your own journey. Knowledge is power.


Whether it’s day 1 after your ACL injury or the day you step on the field, we are going to make sure you are prepared for the demands ahead of you. This means physically, mentally, and situationally. Progressively exposing you to a variety of stressors to make sure you are 100% ready to perform.


Whether you’re the recreational soccer player, active mom, weekend skier, or competitive athlete, we take your goals seriously. We want our athletes to feel in control and empowered in their process. We are your support team to get you to your end goal. Our goal is to make sure you come back better, faster, and stronger – more resilient – than you were before. Empowering you as an athlete. Empowering you as a human.

Some honest love here.

This is a specialized service and membership for ACLers who are all in and ready.

We get that you might not be ready to commit. No worries. One-on-one might not be for you then.

  • If you are ready to take the guesswork out of your ACL rehab
  • If you want a clear and custom plan
  • If you want a structured program
  • If you want testing and feedback to track your progress
  • If you want relentless support and an ACL expert guiding you every step of the way

Then, let’s get to it.

As we kickstart, this is a two-way investment. For you. And for us. It’s important that this is a right fit for both of us for the long-term. We take our athlete-coach relationships seriously (gifs and memes included of course). We do have limited spots and give each and every athlete our absolute best. Apply for a coaching spot if this is you.

Traditional Insurance
vs. The ACL Athlete

Traditional Insurance
The ACL Athlete

Insurance provides limited visits

Monthly subscription + more affordable than deductibles and copays combined

Fighting with insurance for more visits

Never deal with insurance companies

General PT helping you

ACL expert PT and strength coach along with The ACL Athlete Team

PT follows generic, outdated ACL protocol

Individually designed ACL plan based on your specific needs and goals

No structured daily, weekly or monthly program – feels like an exercise laundry list

Daily, weekly, and monthly structured program based on tangible milestones and targets

PT progresses care based on time alone

Custom-built program based on research, data, science, and criteria – progressed week to week

Time Cost: time to drive to/from PT 2-3x per week + long wait times + taking off school/work

Time Leveraged: built to your specific schedule, time available, and done on your own time

Minimal time with your PT + double or triple booked

One-on-one attention and care with your ACL Expert Coach + unlimited access to your coach

Feedback only during visits

Video and coaching feedback for each training session and between sessions

Focused on exercises only

360 Degree View: movement, nutrition, sleep, recovery, stress, connection

Waiting till next session to ask questions

Ask questions anytime and receive quick answers

No mindset training

Mindset training included

Limited benchmarks or plan for care

Specific benchmarks, criteria and clear plan

Limited testing + discharged based on time alone or running out of insurance visits

Baseline testing, 4-6 week serial testing, return to sport testing

Feeling isolated in your recovery

Special community of ACLers to support you

Traditional Insurance
vs. The ACL Athlete

Traditional Insurance

Insurance provides limited visits

Fighting with insurance for more visits

General PT helping you

PT follows generic, outdated ACL protocol

No structured daily, weekly or monthly program – feels like an exercise laundry list

PT progresses care based on time alone

Time Cost: time to drive to/from PT 2-3x per week + long wait times + taking off school/work

Minimal time with your PT + double or triple booked

Feedback only during visits

Focused on exercises only

Waiting till next session to ask questions

No mindset training

Limited benchmarks or plan for care

Limited testing + discharged based on time alone or running out of insurance visits

Feeling isolated in your recovery


The ACL Athlete

Monthly subscription + more affordable than deductibles and copays combined

Never deal with insurance companies

ACL expert PT and strength coach along with The ACL Athlete Team

Individually designed ACL plan based on your specific needs and goals

Daily, weekly, and monthly structured program based on tangible milestones and targets

Custom-built program based on research, data, science, and criteria – progressed week to week

Time Leveraged: built to your specific schedule, time available, and done on your own time

One-on-one attention and care with your ACL Expert Coach + unlimited access to your coach

Video and coaching feedback for each training session and between sessions

360 Degree View: movement, nutrition, sleep, recovery, stress, connection

Ask questions anytime and receive quick answers

Mindset training included

Specific benchmarks, criteria and clear plan

Baseline testing, 4-6 week serial testing, return to sport testing

Special community of ACLers to support you

This could be you

ACL injuries are an opportunity.

It’s an opportunity to not only to come back stronger than before but to learn more about your body, recovery, and health. We focus on leaving no stone left unturned. Whether that’s nutrition, sleep, recovery, stress management, mindset, and more.

Education is key to this. Which is why we give you Exclusive Access to The Athlete Education Vault, The ACL Athlete Community, and 1:1 Strategy Calls.

We want our athletes to not only walk away confident in their bodies but also feeling educated and empowered with training for life.

ACL Athlete Testimonials

Meet Dani

Before The ACL Athlete was in my life, my knee was so unstable, could not be trusted, and I was just anxious and stressed. My knee was always in the way and now that I have gone through ACL rehab with The ACL Athlete, I can say that I am stronger mentally and physically than I have ever been before. 

I’m back to sports. I am not only playing my sports, but I am not thinking about my knee during them. I feel confident and safe during spontaneous movement and demands on my knee. But not only am I back to sports, I have now gained the ability to walk into a gym and do things that I know will support me and my knee and my sports for the rest of my life. 

These are things that I could not do before, and I feel so confident physically and mentally. I feel so incredibly strong, and I can’t thank The ACL Athlete enough for that. Mentally, I have less stress, less anxiety and I can do my job, get outside, ski. I used to have a little voice in the back of my head, that something was going to happen and that voice has gone quiet.

Thank you to The ACL Athlete for getting me through the hardest 5 years of my life. I have had an incredible transformation, both physically and mentally.

Meet James

I’m just 4 months after surgery, my ACL leg feels pretty much the same as my unoperated leg. Every time I go back to the doctor or the in-person PT, they always comment on how fast and how strong my recovery has been. Most importantly, it’s the confidence aspect. I know that I’m doing everything I can to get back to 100% I know that Ravi and The ACL Athlete has taken all the stress away from me. He’s laid out my custom plan and program and all I have to do is put it into action.

I recommend this program for anyone who has an ACL injury regardless of whether you don’t exercise or if you’re professional and everything in between. I think if you don’t hire a ACL professional like Ravi and The ACL Athlete, then to be honest, you’re rolling the dice on your ACL recovery. If you want to be sure that you’re doing everything in your power, then I would 100% recommend working with The ACL Athlete. For me, it was an investment, but I’m a hundred percent confident that it was the right decision to make, and I’ve never had any second thoughts about whether it was the correct decision.

How it works

Step 1
Book Your Consultation Call

Fill out the short application and line up your free consultation call. On this call, we will find out if its a good fit and determine the best game plan to get you started.

Step 2
Meet Your Coach

Meet your 1:1 ACL expert coach - a 30 minute call to learn about you and your ACL story, your barriers and fears, and your goals and aspirations in order to help us build out your custom program together.

Step 3
Complete ACL Performance Testing

Create an honest starting point through individualized testing - anchored by our established ACL Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and criteria - providing tangible milestones along the way and research-backed Return to Sport Testing

Step 4
Start Your Custom-Built ACL Program

A progressive and structured program designed specifically for you - power by our TrueCoach app, reverse engineered based on your goals and needs, equipment available, your schedule, time, and lifestyle, including any modifications on the fly

Step 5
Receive Athlete Support

Daily messenger access to your 1:1 Coach, reviewing weekly training, providing visual feedback and program updates to continue to move you towards your goals phase by phase, quick responses to questions or comments, keeping a close pulse so there’s no playing catch up, guiding you every step of the way - not to mention a supportive community and coaching team in your corner.

Meet Victor

I’m a non-operative ACL injury. I knew it would be tough initially because I would be super nervous about my knee, especially just kneeling on my knee alone. Sometimes, my knee would give out or just buckle. It would swell up and I’d have to deal with swelling for a week and a half. I couldn’t do anything involving my lower body, so that was tough. Rolling with other people in Jiu Jitsu, I’d have to tell them, hey, my knees are messed up or just take it easier.

It’s now only been four months and I’m probably rolling harder than I’ve ever rolled before in Jiu Jitsu and I’m going pretty hard. People are attacking my legs, doing all kinds of wrestling stuff, so it’s very good. My knee definitely feels stable. I’ve told Ravi that there are some days that I don’t even remember my ACL is torn.

If you’re somebody like me, and you don’t have health insurance or you don’t want to get ACL surgery, I highly recommend The ACL Athlete. At first, I was very skeptical rehabbing a completely torn ACL. I didn’t really think it was possible. Now, I’m all in and I’m trusting the process. It’s been great. So if you aren’t trying to get surgery and you are trying to see if you can live a normal life doing whatever sport or whatever activity you do in your normal life, and you want to have a quality of life, I would definitely recommend working with The ACL Athlete.

I would recommend this to anybody that is coming back from ACL tear or really I don’t know any kind of knee issues.

Meet Shannon

I knew my legs were lacking power and the ability to generate power quickly, so I knew I had to do the final rehab stage sport specific conditioning if I wanted to return to downhill skiing and eventually backcountry skiing. So that’s when I signed up with The ACL Athlete.

In our first block, I was able to create a lot of strength. I did a biodex test before and after. Both, my hamstrings and quads grew. I was able to generate over 10% gains on my quad strength and over 9% gains on my hamstring strength on the opposite side. I think that’s pretty impressive given my 5 year history and this late stage training. This change in programming and the ability to generate power made a huge difference, and I’m very happy with my biodex scores now.

So after twelve weeks, I was cleared and given the okay to downhill ski and it was fantastic. I’m so happy I made it here. First turns, after five years, I felt 110% ready. The first day I had no fears, no anxiety. I was ready to go and it felt great. I couldn’t tell the difference between my legs. The knees felt great, and I had a long standing question of would my patellar tendon and anterior knee pain/donor site morbidity affect my ski form. I had long standing donor sight morbidity and that was something we were just waiting to see how would my knee react to downhill skiing and the forces of skiing. I am very happy to report I can’t even tell my donor site morbidity when I’m skiing. It’s great news and I’m very happy with that.

Meet Sarah
"After working with The ACL Athlete for just a few weeks, I have seen so much improvement in all aspects of my rehab journey."

Some of the struggles I was having before I started working with The ACL Athlete was that my health insurance provided a limited amount of time dedicated to physical therapy. I knew I would need more if I wanted to return to sports and chasing around my active twin boys. His program bridges the gap between what I need and what my health insurance wasn’t providing. After working with The ACL Athlete for just a few weeks, I have seen so much improvement in all aspects of my rehab journey. The program is very detailed, the communication and accountability has kept me focused and motivated to keep at it. I would recommend The ACL Athlete to anyone who has torn their ACL. His passion to help others along their ACL journey is genuine and sincere.

Meet Karen
"I knew how important it would be to have a professional that could kind of zoom out and see me in my entire picture as a whole."

I’ve had three ACL surgeries and I actually am an orthopedic physical therapist myself. So I have a lot of experience personally and professionally with the surgical and the ACL recovery process as a whole. I contemplated doing my rehab this third time around, all on my own, but I knew how important it would be to have a professional that could kind of zoom out and see me in my entire picture as a whole because I’m able to do that for my clients. But I knew it would be nearly impossible for me to do it for myself.

So I was looking for an online coach that had the expertise and was going to be able to keep me on track, and Ravi at The ACL Athlete was able to do just that. He had the ACL experience. He took my history and my lifestyle into account. He was able to push me forward when I needed it but also keep my expectations where they should be. And even though I’m pretty well versed in the entire thing, working with Ravi and having him in my corner as my coach, was exactly what I needed to stay confident, stay calm and stay composed during that time because ACL recovery comes with a lot of anxiety provoking pieces to it, even after it being your third time. And in my opinion, that kind of coaching support, I think is just as important, maybe even more important than the exercise programming itself. And to have that professional there, when you need them to get you through those mental struggles, that no doctor or surgeon will ever prepare you for.

If you’ve never worked with an online PT and coach before, all I’ll say is it’s shocking how connected you can be with someone without ever physically meeting them face to face. So, don’t let that stop you. Thank you Ravi and The ACL Athlete. I wouldn’t be here without you.

Meet Julie
"I worked with them for six months with the goal of doing a trail race…I did that, and I even placed 4th out of all the women that entered the race."

After two months of working with the local physical therapy and then binge listening to the podcast, The ACL athlete, I reached out to Dr. Patel and was able to become a client. I worked with them for six months with the goal of doing a trail race with some friends at the end of August. I did that, and I even placed 4th out of all the women that entered the race. So I was really happy with that and really happy with the work that I was able to get done in six months. Physically of course, but more important, mentally. I think what Ravi offers so much of is the support and the programming for the physical goals with steps along the way, but also for the mental side.

What are you waiting for?
Join these ACLers who decided to take control of their own journey.
per month

$1275 – 3 month term


$2400 – 6 month term

per month

$4500 – 12 month term

Apply Here

2 easy steps:
1. Fill out this short form
2. Book your call

Once you hit submit, you’ll be able to book your Consultation Call via Calendly.

We are Currently at full capacity
Apply below to join our waitlist and be notified immediately once a spot becomes available

Apply Here

3 easy steps:
1. Fill out this short form
2. Join the waitlist
3. Get notified as soon as a spot opens


We do not. This is a performance-based service. Plus, we don’t want your insurance dictating the way we guide your ACL process.

There are many roads that lead to Rome. Your program will be individually designed based on the equipment and space you have access to. This includes travel or when you’re away from your normal setup. We’ve worked with ACLers who were stuck at home with minimal equipment to ones who have full gym access. That said, you have goals. We need a way to meet those goals. One of those is to get really strong. We need weight to do that. A gym and equipment access opens up more opportunities and flexibility for your program design. Just like tools in your toolbox. The more options you have, the easier it is to build.

Nope. One of the goals with 1:1 Remote Coaching is to leverage your time. This is where a specific plan and program, demo videos, weekly adjustments, and feedback, along with 1:1 messenger support with your coach covers everything a live session would entail and more. Giving you more of your time back and autonomy.

This varies based on each ACLers having different needs for coaching, support, and programming. Our free consultation call helps us find out what that specifically looks like for you so we can make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment.

We have had many of our ACLers use their FSAs and HSAs in the past. Check with your FSA/HSA for more information.

Our coaching is focused on playing the long game and getting you back to 100%. The minimum commitment to work with our team and your 1:1 coach is 3 months, though typically clients will stay on much longer, and discounts are available for longer terms.

We have a lot of athletes who use our coaching alongside their in-person PT. We make sure we’re on the same page and work to make sure there are no gaps in your care – leaving no stone left unturned since time is important. We’re happy to connect with your PT, surgeon, athletic trainer, coach or anyone else involved in your process to make sure we’re all on the same page. Your ACL team is important.

While we love the mid to late stages, the earlier the better. Whether you’re in prehab, immediately post-op, months, or years out, we’ve found that the earlier in the ACL process we start working with athletes, the better the outcomes. This allows us to build the proper foundations for the rest of the process, rather than backing up for things that might have been missed (examples: lacking extension, limping gait, quad strength, pain with running, etc.)

Here at The ACL Athlete, we believe every human is an athlete. We see “athlete” as a spectrum and it is relative to each person – it’s all based on the demands of what you’re trying to get back to and that can look different for each person and athlete – whether you’re a rec soccer player, weekend skier, medical professional lifting patients, BJJ competitor, casual hiker, or a pro football player. If you have goals and want to use your body for an activity, sport, or life, then you’re an athlete.

This will truly depend on many factors. Your goals, the current phase you are in, the progression criteria, equipment, and training schedule. Each training session can range from 15-75 minutes. This will always be built to your specific schedule and availability.

This will be based on you, your goals, and your unique needs for the current phase. You typically get a new training block every 4-6 weeks. These are customized and built specifically for you. Each week is progressive, building on the last. Each previous week is reviewed by your coach and then adjusted for the following week based on the needs, feedback, and goals of the block. This might be accounting for some travel or holidays you have coming up. Or maybe it’s because a certain movement might make your knee grumpy. We need time to make true changes and establish progress with your movements. We want to make this process easier for you and for you to enjoy it without having to think too much about it.

As long as we have coaching spots open, we’ll get you going as soon as possible. After your consultation call, athletes typically get started within 24 hours. We know time is important, so we want to maximize that as best as possible.

Still on the fence? Shoot us an email with any questions.

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